
  • How much should we work?

    June 17, 2020

    How much to Work? 4 hours of deep, hyper-focused, intensive work. The number is based on studies by Roy Baumeister on willpower depletion , but is that really all we've got? Subsequent studies have challenged this and showed it to be a self limiting belief. If you believe will…

  • How much can you read in a year?

    May 17, 2020readinghabitsdynamic content

    If we read 30 minutes every single day (which is optimistic), how much could we read over the course of a week / month / year / 10 years? In Tim Urban’s post 1 , he breaks down our days into blocks, which forces us to think about how we spend each block. Reading is not something…

  • Open Project Part 1: Subscription Sharing

    May 11, 2020open project

    This is part 1 of the Open Projects Series. Motivation There’s dozens of subscription services, and we don’t want to subscribe to a new service for just that one show we want . With Netflix, Prime Video, additions of Disney+ and Apple TV+ in late 2019 and the recent short form…

  • Open Projects: Please steal this idea

    May 10, 2020open project

    Open projects are small, fun projects in my head and have the UX sketched out, but don’t have the time to actually make. Designs are easy to copy (steal), though not as easy to come up with from scratch. Using design tools like Sketch and Figma, it's easy to create and share a…